Monday, May 14, 2007


so finals sucked
im supposed to be switching apartments but nobody will tell me im allowed to do that
i dont have a clue whether or not im goin to be getting paid for my research this summer
if not then i have to get another job on top of doin the research
erin won't pick up her phone
my roommate is being really crappy lately and gripes and complains and then gets mad at me when i tell her to stop

im floating the Buffalo this weekend
school is out for the summer
robyn isnt moving
i got to talk to ryan on sat
erin is supposed to come visit me

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

blah blah blah

this ones for you erin....
so next week is finals week which is some crap, but im hopin that it will be relatively painless. im moving to a bigger apartment on the 15th....and i conned erin into helpin, who in turn conned seth into helping :)

not much has been goin on lately, i can't wait for this summer, but i dont know if i will be able to visit everyone that i wanna visit b/c of work. im supposed to visit angela in D.C, go to Destin with Katie, visit cheryl in Idaho, and take a week off to go camping on greer's ferry. but im starting a research project that will basically consume my life for at least the next three years if not the rest of my life.

my goal in life: to cure cancer (and i might actually be able to do that)