too bad she didnt do anything REALLY silly while i was up there to visit her, but there is still time, like when she comes to visit me (which you ARE goin to do).
at least something makes me happy, im really hating school work right now and im thinking that java should just die. but the other night when i finally figured out something that i had been working on for over 3 hours i was sooo excited that i couldnt concentrate, so i went to visit people, and didnt make it back to my room until around 3:30am. Fun times fun times
u look funny
Don't worry chica, I can't stand to be in that house for long... I'll spend the majority of that two weeks with you, you'll get so sick of me. You and Seth both.
it can't be any worse then when i went up there
Which therefore means it'll be impossible not to have fun! Can't say I've ever just "hung out with the guys." Asha, you have like only three friends that are female there! haha
thats not true...there are more than adults count? and the guys are fun
i haven't forgot about calling you. ask erin. i wanted you to forget and then i would call after, if not from coachella, and surprise you (or make you jealous of me -- if @ coachella).
l8r g8r.
i am a cornball.
you are a cornball
you're both balls of corn. popcorn balls!!!
(this is the point in which asha and i exchange awkward glances and then run away, leaving you behind)
guess what hippy ...
it's almost COACHELLA time!
hey, um, i'm not really digging this whole lack of posting you have going on here.
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